Professor J-D. Orthlieb revisits his Octa principle in the light of digital technical development in partnership with FeeL Education. Optimize the occlusal architecture in an individualized way and realize the digital design to an extended reconstruction, in 8 systematic steps and declined them whatever the typology of the skeleton.
During this session you will follow and understand the digital design of a complete dentition, in 8 systematic steps and declined whatever the skeletal typology. Cl 1, 2 and 3..
4 PRESENTIAL modules in Montpellier, in a limited format of 12 people, with between two and four direct participants per session.
Understanding of the concept and general vision of the digital in dentistry: you will master the first digital consultation with all the latest tools to gain efficiency.
You will use digital tools to present your treatment plans treatment plans and boost your acceptance rates.
Boost your photography and video skills, learn all the tips and tricks to make better mock-ups.
The mock-up and emotional dentistry will be detailed from a clinical and laboratory point of view.
From the use of a camera or intraoral scanner to the radiological examination such as cone beam through the use of the face scan, you will master the different types of digital files.
Schedule your digital surgery and attend the live events.
2 to 4 live surgeries per session.
The fourth dimension in dentistry will allow you to analyze the real function of your patients and especially to integrate your prosthetic restorations into a functional envelope well-defined.
Optimize your relationship with prosthetic thank to better support.